
久しぶりに Interactive Brokers にアクセスしたら

 数ヶ月ぶりでしょうか。Interactive Brokers にアクセスしてみました。
 「Challenge」コードを入れるのも、かなりスピードアップしたような感じでした。(ただし、相変わらず、Trader Workstation の起動は遅いです。)
 サイトにアクセスすると、W-8 BEN を書くようにという表示が出ました。
W-8 Re-Certification

Dear IB Customer,

IB is notifying all customers who submitted a Form W-8 (W-8BEN, W-8IMY or others) during calendar year 2007 that the validity of the form will expire by year end and must re-certifed by December 31, 2010. As background, the U.S. Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service require IB to request new tax identification forms from non-U.S. persons every 3 years. We are providing you this notice well in advance of the expiration date as failure to act by year end will result in your account being subject to US tax withholding at 30% on interest, dividends, payments in lieu and royalties credited to your account after January 1, 2011. In addition, a 28% rate of US tax withholding will apply to all gross proceeds from sales.

To re-certify your Form W-8, please log into Account Management from the Interactive Brokers website at which point you will be prompted with the Form. 【後略】
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